viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014



Punishment  for those who have been late to any activity, or have been caught Spanish instead of English etc. The punishment consisted on flattering  one of the monitors in as good English as possible, it did not matter whether they were girls or boys.

Talent show presenters: Rebeca and Julia

Crafts activity


Snack time

The six teachers of the three groups in here at a time

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014


Second day, in the evening:

First punishment in the black box. The reason: having arrived a couple minutes late to breakfast. Punishment: a sexy dancing on the stage.

Yesterday night students played a game called “Princesses and Dragons”: in groups and hand by hand, they had to look for a princess and the more they flattered  her , the more letters they got from her. They should hide and avoid the dragons walking around the spot.

Once time was over, each group had to form the longest word they could with the letters they had got.

Day three:

In the morning, we were supposed to do some treckking  up to where the Toril pine is. We did walk uphill but then it started raining harder and harder.

 As it was raining cats and dogs ,we had to come back to the campsite, get dry and change our clothes. After snack time, there were English activities indoors.

 Some free time after lunch

 Rehearsals for tonight´s talent show

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014



A little bit of funny dancing before dinner. 

Also before dinner , there´s the time for both LOVE BOX and BLACK BOX.

 In the first one everbody is free to write a nice message as it happened to Hugo Bermejo,

or to a group of friends from year 5. 

Then the message receiver must go on the stage.
The black box is for those who have misbehaved  and are scold off but in a soft and funny way.There were no black messages yesterday,hope it happens the same today
Today the bank has opened for a while and students have changed euros into real sterling pounds 

so that they can get a souvenir from the tourist office in our English Town.
There are so many different activities apart from lessons: in these pics there are  Io and Nuria hanging from zip lines above the water!, 

a group playing the cat and the mouse and so on 

So many that we need some relaxing while 

This is our daily timetable 

and our guidebook with activities to do. 

Do you  remember we told you yesterday about Fura?

 Here it is, isn´t she nice? 

Bye,bye, see u tomorrow

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014


Todos los pasajeros a bordo y con sus equipajes en el autobús, salimos a las 8,15h. El viaje era largo por lo que alguno se mareó un poquito. Hicimos una parada para que nos diese el aire, estirar las piernas y tomar algo . Aún nos quedaba la mitad del camino y comenzó a hacerse más y más común la pregunta:¿Cuánto queda?

Por fin, tras una carretera serpenteada y con un asfalto afectado vislumbramos la entrada del campamento


Todos deseando ser acoplados, las chicas lo son en una larga cabaña con literas por un lado e igualmente los chicos por otro. Desde el minuto uno todo lo que se oye es en inglés; ¡hasta la perrita Fura (a la que pediremos amablemente que nos deje sacarnos una foto con ella) ladra en inglés!





¡Vaya, si llegamos justo a la hora de la comida! Todos lo agradecimos pues ya teníamos hambre.



Después un descansito para preparar las mentes para el test de nivel. También actividades y …bueno,mañana os seguiremos contando . Lo importante es que todos estamos bien.


jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014


Last week we received a box from Salusbury Primary School in
London full of typical English objects.

The outside was elaborated by the British students and it has
some pictures of the English flag, the London Eye, the
Parliament or the English Royal Family.


In the inside it contains a telephone box, the Big Ben, a
typical black British taxi, the Union Jack flag, The Times
newspaper, the map of the London tube, some English
postcards, British pounds notes, English music and the theatre
play “Macbeth” by Shakespeare.


Together with all this, we received a brief explanation of each
item thanks to which we could understand when they are used,
why and how.


By means of the activity “Culture in a Box” we have been able
to compile Spanish culture in our twelve items and at the same
time we have learned British way of life in a better way.